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Metal Recycled

3 Compelling Reasons For Artists To Use Scrap Metal

If you are an artist who works using mixed media or metals, it is obvious that your source of materials can have an enormous impact on the completed work. Scrap materials can be beneficial in many different ways. What advantages could recycling or upcycling metals bring to your items? Here are some things you need to be aware of.

1. You can save money

Are you a tiny artist on a limited budget? The more items you can purchase at a discounted price and the higher quality of work you produce, and the more revenue you make. Even an established artist isn’t able to earn money if they aren’t able to maintain their cost per unit and overhead expenses down. Therefore, every dollar you save on materials will allow you to spend more in other areas where your company operates.

The great thing about artistic expression is that you can obtain it from any object or media you like. You can find it in old items just as new ones – usually at a fraction of the cost.

2. It’s Environmentally Sensitive

Artists typically are in awe of the environment surrounding them if you’re aware that your impact on the world is one of the things that make your work valuable. What kind of eco-friendly art do you have? Artists who use certain materials, such as metals or plastics, could be surprised to discover that their work can impact the environment more than they’d prefer.

A simple way to reduce your footprint while getting an environmentally friendly message out is to incorporate more recyclable materials in your art. Creating interesting and beautiful objects out of things people discard can give you a more positive feeling about what you’ve made. It can make the customers feel more satisfied with their purchases too.

How you deal with the recycled nature of the materials is entirely up to you and the story you wish your work to tell. It is possible to play down the environmental aspect or even incorporate it to make a strong claim in the artwork.

3. It’s You! Are More Creative

When working with a brand new piece of St George scrap metal or other, you are free of choice because it is a blank piece of paper to work on. You can mold, form, weld and even burn the metal however you like to serve the purpose you’re trying to achieve. You don’t need to be a part of any other rules than your idea of what you want to achieve.

If you start with scrap metal, certain aspects of the process are inherent to the metal. It has a predetermined shape, wear or rust, and certain hues. It could be damaged or imperfect because of the life it has already lived. These elements could become part of your vision. Metal that tells a story is ideal for an artist who has an interesting story to share.

Utilizing a more challenging medium is a good approach to pushing your skills to grow as an artist. If you’re bored or bored by the current material, Try something different and original? It can be anything from recycled auto parts, building materials, or rusting metal beams. There’s a chance you’ll find a new source of inspiration you didn’t anticipate.


Does the concept of casting off metals and other materials appeal to you? If yes, you should start by looking through the stock available at a scrap metal service close to you. Sydney metal recyclers will help you out.

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